Landing the job

(Graphic by Laila Hack)
(Graphic by Laila Hack)

When university ends, the real world begins.

The time is beckoning when university students go back home and set out to get work for their summer vacation. But for many graduating students, it is time to find full-time employment in the field that they spent the last four years preparing for.

Before you envision yourself in your dream job, you have to get over the most intimidating hurdle: the interview.

For some, this is just a means to an end. To others, a job interview is what is stopping them from getting the job because they are unsure of what makes a good job interview. Thankfully, there are many things that can be done to ensure a successful interview.

Stacey Campbell, a career consultant at the Career Development Centre at Wilfrid Laurier University, emphasized that a successful interview is when a candidate shows their interviewer that they are passionate about the job they are applying for. “In a nutshell, a good interview is when a candidate demonstrates that they have critically thought about the demands of the position, and can convincingly sell the interviewer on how their background experiences, skills and qualities will enable them to fulfill those demands,” Campbell said.

One of the most important ingredients to having a stellar job interview is to also have an impressive resume that will stand out from other potential candidates. In order to improve your resume, be sure you don’t fall into the trap of using a general resume for every job you apply to.

“Tailoring and customizing to the demands of the position are essential,” Campbell explained. “This involves amplifying your relevant experiences, and learning the art of selling transferable skills when you are in a position of applying to a job for which you have no relevant background.”

Finally, if you want to go above and beyond to impress potential employers, demonstrate that you took the time to research the company and their values as well as what they stand for. By following their press releases, Twitter accounts and LinkedIn feeds, you will be able to be fully informed about the company’s recent activity as well as demonstrate a full interest in the position.“From your research, craft great questions for the interviewers that demonstrate your resourcefulness and enthusiasm for the position and field,” Campbell added.

It’s time to get out your most professional outfit, polish up your resume and get ready for your next job interview. Good luck, Laurier students.

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